The information below highlights all the ways God is working in our midst as we expand His Kingdom and his building.


As we are nearing the construction phase of our Hearing From God Initiative at White Stone, we would like to give you an opportunity to sponsor various items that will need to be purchased as we move into the new space.

Below is a catalog that lists some of the item for the new building. As we've been asking, please pray and ask the Lord how you can participate in this process, and as you hear from Him, follow His leading. If you would like to contribute to the building fund, please follow the link below and specify your giving for the building fund Sponsorship Catalog.


The Building fund amount is updated each month.

Update October 7, 2024
Update October 7, 2024


White Stone is ready to move to the next phase of the “Hearing from God” building initiative. We’re calling this phase “Preparing for the Harvest” because we believe God will use a larger building that better fits the needs of our growing church to “harvest” more disciples of Jesus. Remember, White Stone’s mission is, “To make disciples who understand, live and extend the kingdom of God.”

Since the launch of the “Hearing from God” initiative in the summer of 2018, the church’s mortgage has been paid off, the current building has been extensively remodeled and we are continuing to raise funds. God’s not done yet!

Click below to read more about it.


June 2024:


• The parking lot extension to the west will be completed very soon with gravel and temporary lines so we will have plenty of parking.

• The plumbing contractors have installed a 17-foot deep service access for our fire suppression system. This will be accessed via a manhole inside the sprinkler room.

• The foundation will be formed and poured very soon by a White Stone Church family member, Jack Schnitger! Huge thanks to Jack and his team for all their hard work! This will get us one crucial step closer to meeting our date for wall installation.

• Sometime soon, WE Energies will be on-site to relocate our natural gas service and meter. There is a potential for us to be temporarily without heat and hot water, which is not an issue with summer days upon us.

• With all this happening, the church will stay open during the week, Monday-Thursday, 9 am-4 pm and Friday 9 am – 12 pm. There will be days in July when we aren’t permitted in the building during the day, but we will let you know as that gets closer.


• We continue to raise funds for this project with the goal of $900K. Wouldn’t it be great if this was raised by the time we moved into the new part of the building? So far $100K has been raised. Praise God!

• Donations of any amount will help us get there. Please click here to give to the building fund and choose “Building” from the drop-down menu.

• If you’d like to help with the furnishings for the interior, please click here to view the catalog.

• We also closed on the mortgage this week.

Even when you can’t see it, much is happening on this project and we ask you to join us in praying:

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this church family that you have brought together for your purposes. Thank you for all you have done and are doing to make this building expansion possible. Help us see your hand in all the details, interactions, and timelines as you guide and protect the construction teams. Please help us continue the work you’ve given us through any interruptions and changes. As you grow this family, we know you long for everyone to know you more and be your disciple. Please help us follow you closely during this season as you prepare us for the harvest. We ask this in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen!

November 2023:

At the Annual Meeting, Doug Harper reviewed all that God had done since the start of the Hearing from God Initiative and the next steps. The target of $5.9M to start the construction process is within reach with $5.6M in the building fund–$300K short of the goal. With the interest from money invested, some cost reductions, and the continued generosity of the church family, we are looking forward optimistically.

A date in early 2024 will be set for a special meeting to present an updated financial package based on the new cost estimate and mortgage information to the church members and family. According to the church by-laws, the vote would need to pass by a 2/3 majority to move forward.

With more than 20 acres of land and an interested buyer, if a land sale occurs, it would reduce the amount of money borrowed or pay off any mortgage.

A timeline has been developed to begin construction early next spring. The first part will be to expand the parking lot, as we will lose 25% of current parking when construction begins.

August 2023:

An Exciting Building Update

Jesus said, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

It is the desire of White Stone Community Church for God to lead our building expansion project. That is why our fund-raising has been called a “Hearing from God” initiative. The church’s leadership has asked people to pray, ask God how they should participate, then simply be obedient to whatever leadings they receive.

We believe that by allowing God to be in control, White Stone will bear much fruit for His Kingdom. He has prepared fields for White Stone that are ripe for the harvest. A larger, more functional building will be a valuable tool as we prepare for that harvest.

Thanks to some very generous donations recently, the White Stone building fund has grown to more than $5.5M. Praise the Lord!

The current target of $5.9M to start the project is now within reach. Although the committee will continue to “count the cost” before starting construction on the addition to the building, we are excited to announce the parking lot will be expanded this fall. This will provide more parking on Sunday mornings and will be in preparation for building construction, during which about 25% of our current parking spaces will be unavailable.

Please continue to ask God how you should participate in the “Hearing from God” initiative. Also, please join us in praying that our Lord will do an amazing work yet this year that will leave absolutely no doubt that He is firmly in control.

April 2023:

Jesus said, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

It is the desire of White Stone Community Church for God to lead our building expansion project. That is why our fund-raising has been called a “Hearing from God” initiative. The church’s leadership has asked people to pray, ask God how they should participate, then simply be obedient to whatever leadings they receive.

We believe that by allowing God to be in control, White Stone will bear much fruit for His Kingdom. He has prepared fields for White Stone that are ripe for the harvest. A larger, more functional building will be a valuable tool as we continue to prepare for that harvest.

The building fund is now approaching $4.8M. Our current target of $5.9M to start the construction process is in sight and we trust the Lord’s perfect timing will determine when to move ahead with this project. Please continue to pray and ask how you should participate. Also, please join us in praying that God will do an amazing work yet this year that will leave absolutely no doubt that He is firmly in control.

apart from Him, we can do nothing…

September 2022:

God continues to bless White Stone in many ways, including the donation of more than $2.2M to the building expansion project in the past year, pushing the funds raised to date above $4.2M. Thank you White Stone family for your generosity.

At the Family Meeting on August 29, we discussed how extreme inflation has forced the building team to increase the budget for this project by nearly $2M. It may seem like a lot of money to raise, but nothing is impossible with God. We are confident that through a combination of cost reductions and additional giving, God’s perfect timing to expand His church will be revealed.

Please continue praying about how you can give and help reach this goal and simply be obedient to the Lord’s leadings. For more details, listen to the live stream of the meeting by clicking here.

As of September 15, the total cost of the project is $9.6M
Funds raised to date $4.2M
Funds yet to be raised $2.4M
Funds that could be borrowed $3.0M


January 2024 – $5.9M in the building fund..more details to come!

August 2023 – $5.5M in the building fund

May 2023 – $4.8M in the building fund

April 2023$4.75M in the building fund

January 2023A “trigger” to start the construction process was set at $5.9M in the building fund

June 2022Due to a sharp increase in construction prices, the project’s cost estimate was raised by $1.8M

May 2022 $4.19M in building fund

July 2021 Fund-raising goal of $4.8M set

July 2021 Expansion plan unveiled at congregation meeting

July 2021 $1.95M in building fund

March 2021 Design committee hires architect and general contractor

January 2021 $1.85M in building fund

April 2020 land sale to Hope Church completed

March 2020 COVID restrictions began; design process put on hold

January 2020 $1.1M in building fund

Summer 2019 Remodeling project completed and paid for

December 2018 Burned mortgage

June 2018 “Hearing from God” initiative launched


White Stone has been developing a plan to expand our existing building to accommodate future growth. What you might not be aware of is all the groundwork God has already put in place for this project.

When the church’s founding pastor, Gary Rohrmayer, and the leadership team at that time first walked this beautiful property more than 25 years ago, they saw the great potential to extend God’s Kingdom in the Lake Country area from this location. A lot has changed over the past 25 years. The church has seen ups and down. But the vision has remained the same. From the vantage point of 2021, it is obvious God has been preparing this property and White Stone church to have a great influence for His Kingdom for generations to come.

Thanks to God’s leadings and your generosity, White Stone is well positioned to move forward with this major expansion project. Even after selling 11 acres to Hope Church, we still have nearly 42 acres. We also have a building that was extensively remodeled a couple years ago. All without a mortgage.

Since launching the “Hearing from God” initiative 5 years ago we have not only eliminated all debt, but $4 million has gone into the building fund. Furthermore, based on current giving the church’s finance committee is convinced we can service a $3 million mortgage. This means our God has already put together more than 80% of the financial package needed to move forward with the expansion project. But we still need to raise about $1.2 million. [at the time of this writing]

We are also thankful God for His guidance and provision throughout the COVID pandemic. The church’s cash flow has remained very positive. And, if you combine in-person attendance with live stream viewership, White Stone is a larger church than a year ago. With major crowding issues during some services, especially in children classrooms, the need for a larger facility has become critical.

Friends, this is a watershed season for White Stone Community Church. God has been preparing this church for this time for more than two decades. It’s time for each of us to step up! As has been true throughout the “Hearing from God” initiative, we request that you pray and ask God how you should particulate…and then be obedient.


We’re simply asking you to pray and be obedient to the leadings God gives you and your family.

There are obviously financial needs that must be satisfied before the church can move forward with this building expansion project. We believe that if the entire White Stone family sincerely tries to listen to God…and follows His directions…the monetary need will be met in His perfect timing. Again, all we ask is that you pray and be obedient to how you feel God is leading you. Click here if you are interested in contributing financially to the building fund. 

Providing financial resources is not the only way you can help. As the church rebounds from COVID and positions itself for additional growth, there are many volunteer opportunities. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” God’s Kingdom needs you as together we prepare for the harvest. Please contact the church office ( to learn about the most pressing needs for volunteers.


The Heart of White Stone Gala Dinner & Auction

Thank you to everyone who helped make this Heart of White Stone Gala Dinner and Auction possible! What a fun evening celebrating what God has done and IS doing in our midst. $37,600 was raised for the building expansion project!

This was a church family effort and we acknowledge all the hours of help of so many of you--from securing and donating auction items, decorating, and ironing tablecloths, to purchasing tickets, serving the meal, and bidding on items. Thank you for all the ways you were generous!

May God bless these efforts and multiply our offering as we prepare for the harvest and disciple ourselves after Him.

Celebrating His goodness!